O'Brien's lawyer couldn't be reached for comment.
"After reviewing thousands of documents and interviewing former MF Global executives and regulators as part of our investigation, the Subcommittee has concluded that Ms. O'Brien has unique, personal knowledge regarding how and why customer funds went missing," said the subcommittee's chairman, Randy Neugebauer.
At the March 28 hearing, lawmakers are also likely to question several other former MF Global employees, who are expected to appear voluntarily.
The witness list is still being finalized. The hearing is the latest in a series of congressional efforts to grill former senior managers of MF Global.
Former Chief Executive Jon Corzine, Chief Financial Officer Henri Steenkamp and Chief Operating Officer Bradley Abelow have all testified to Congress, and disavowed any intent to misuse customer funds and any specific knowledge of how that misuse may have occurred.
They haven't been formally accused of any wrongdoing.
Criminal and civil inquiries into MF Global's collapse are under way. Nearly five months after they began, investigators haven't yet uncovered any publicly known evidence of criminal fraud or wrongdoing.
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