Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Reuters: Bankruptcy News: TAKE-A-LOOK-State review team finds Detroit's finances are dire

Reuters: Bankruptcy News
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TAKE-A-LOOK-State review team finds Detroit's finances are dire
Feb 20th 2013, 00:48

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Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:48pm EST

  Feb 19 (Reuters) - A review team named by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to  scrutinize Detroit's finances concluded that the city faces a financial  emergency and needs help to make difficult decisions. It is now up to Snyder to  decide whether to declare a state takeover over the city's finances. Detroit,  the state's biggest city, has been grappling with a gaping deficit amid a  cratering population and declining jobs base.      For stories on the review team's findings and other stories on the state of  affairs in Detroit, double-click on the number in the square brackets.        LATEST STORIES  2/19 Panel finds Detroit's finances dire, up to governor to act    2/19 Michigan treasurer doesn't see bankruptcy for Detroit         2/19 Nerdy CEO-turned-governor faces the Detroit challenge         2/19 Former NBA player Bing misses shot at fixing Detroit          2/18 Detroit focuses on what can be saved                          2/18 Ex-Detroit mayor's corruption case in hands of jury           2/15 Detroit emergency manager, a job for a 'poor devil'             FACTBOXES  2/19 A brief history of Detroit's fiscal problems                  2/19 What happens to Detroit if financial emergency is declared      ANALYSIS  1/28 Stuck in reverse, Detroit edges closer to bankruptcy        [ID:nL1N0AUAY9}  
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